About Tvoxel

Tvoxel Technologies is a leading gaming software house specializing in delivering high-quality and innovative game development services worldwide. With a skilled team and a focus on the latest technologies, we create customized digital products that cater to the needs of our global clients, ensuring exceptional gaming experiences.

1 years
of successful experience
in Game Development

NFTs & BLockChain

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and Blockchain technology are revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with digital assets. Utilizing the decentralized and secure nature of blockchain, NFTs enable the creation and trading of unique and verifiable digital assets, including art, collectibles, and virtual real estate.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, NFTs are poised to reshape traditional concepts of ownership and revolutionize various sectors, driving innovation and unlocking untapped opportunities in the digital landscape.


An open-source electronics platform empowering makers, hobbyists, and professionals to easily prototype and create interactive projects. With a user-friendly interface and a vast ecosystem of components and libraries, Arduino enables the integration of sensors, actuators, and other devices for a wide range of applications. From robotics and home automation to wearable technology and IoT, Arduino empowers creativity and innovation in the world of electronics.

Microsoft Kinect Games

 Experience immersive gaming and interactive entertainment through gesture and motion control with Microsoft Kinect. With Kinect’s advanced sensor technology, players can engage in a whole new level of physical interaction, whether it’s dancing, sports, or adventure games. Say goodbye to traditional controllers and step into a world where your body movements become the game controls. Kinect brings a new dimension to gaming, making it a fun and engaging experience for players of all ages.

Web Development

An open-source electronics platform empowering makers, hobbyists, and professionals to easily prototype and create interactive projects. With a user-friendly interface and a vast ecosystem of components and libraries, Arduino enables the integration of sensors, actuators, and other devices for a wide range of applications. From robotics and home automation to wearable technology and IoT, Arduino empowers creativity and innovation in the world of electronics.

Our Services

Unity 3d

A powerful and versatile game development engine for creating immersive and interactive experiences across multiple platforms.

Unreal Engine

Innovative, immersive, visually stunning, industry-leading game development.

Game Design & Development

Crafting interactive experiences that merge creativity and technology (2D & 3D Games).

Blender 3D

Empowering artists with a comprehensive and open-source 3D creation suite.

Web Development

Building dynamic and interactive online experiences that connect the world.

React Js

A popular JavaScript library for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces with ease.

Microsoft Kinect

 Unleash your body’s movements to control and immerse yourself in interactive gaming experiences.


 Empowering innovation through user-friendly prototyping and interactive electronics.